JAKARTA - The Indonesian maritime motor boat (KM) caught fire in the waters of the Java Sea on Tuesday, July 21 afternoon. The ship owned by PT Bahari Nusantara sails the Jakarta-Pontianak shipping route.

Director of the Sea and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP) Ahmad said the ship did not carry passengers and only contained crew members when it caught fire.

"There are 26 crew members and all of them survivors who were evacuated on the Samudra Jaya Abadi ship," said Wisnu in a written statement, Wednesday, July 22.

The KM Bahari Indonesia ship that was burned was colored blue hull and white on the upper deck. The ship with a length of 69.8 x 16 meters was headed by Khafid and the owner of PT Fajar Bahari Nusantara.

Ahmad said the ship caught fire at the coordinates of 4 ° 10'30.17 "S and 107 ° 09'46.79" E in the Java Sea. Currently the 26 crew members have been brought to Ketapang Port.

Currently, the Directorate General of Marine Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation together with the joint SAR team, through the Tanjung Priok Class I Marine and Coast Guard Base (PLP) have deployed 1 ship unit to search for the KM wreck. Indonesian Maritime. Ahmad suspected, drifting westward with the wind and ocean currents.

"The KN patrol boat. Alugara was deployed to ensure the safety and security of shipping at the scene of the burning of the ship as well as to search for the wreckage that is thought to have washed away," said Ahmad.

In addition, the Ministry of Transportation also sends radio messages through the nearby Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and Coastal Radio Station (SROP) for ships passing around the scene.

"This radio message is voiced to be careful and convey to us if we find the wreck," said Ahmad.

Meanwhile, Ahmad said that his party did not know the cause of the burning of KM Bahari Indonesia. He is waiting for the results of the investigation by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT).

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