JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim said he was touched when he heard the story of Sukardi, an honorary teacher in West Nusa Tenggara who has served for 25 years.

According to him, Sukardi once had another job whose salary was many times more than when he was an honorary teacher. However, he chose to return to teaching.

"Mr. Sukardi, how many times has he had a job that pays 4-5 times as much but he always returns to being an honorary teacher. I asked why? monitor Face-to-face School (STM) at Dasan Baru School, Central Lombok, Thursday, October 7th.

Nadiem, who had stayed overnight at Sukardi's house, also said that he had heard various inspiring stories. One of them, when the honorary teacher was ticketed by the police but instead was given a helmet.

Sukardi continued, Nadiem told that he had been given a ticket for not wearing a helmet because it was damaged. It turned out that the policeman who ticketed him was a former student.

"He was taken to the police station instead of getting a ticket but instead being given money by his former student police to buy a new one and be helped. So I was touched, Mr. Sukardi was also moved. His satisfaction is to see the children (students, ed) grow up to be successful people," he said.

While staying overnight, Sukardi also told Nadiem that he was participating in the selection to become a State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This is the first test he has taken while serving as an honorary teacher.

"We are waiting for the results, he is very optimistic. He discussed with me and his stories are extraordinary for 25 years," he concluded.

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