Two Workers And One Resident In Tangerang Died By Falling Into A Fiber Optic Cable Excavation Hole, Allegedly Leaking Toxic Gas
Victims of fiber optic excavation in Tangerang/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - Three people died after falling into a hole in the fiber optic cable network on Jalan Taman Royal 1, North Poris Plawad Village, Cipondoh, Tangerang City.

According to information, the three victims consisted of two fiber optic cable network workers and one local resident who wanted to help.

Aji, an online motorcycle taxi driver who helped the victims, explained that the incident began when one of the underground fiber optic cable line workers was about to lift the iron covering the underground cable network.

"Initially, one worker who wanted to open the metal cover, slipped into the cable channel. The first worker was thought to have fainted and was about to be helped by his colleague, but the two people who helped did not survive," said Aji at the scene, Thursday, October 7.

Aji said that the optical cable dug hole has a depth of about 3 meters, and there is a puddle of black water.

"It was deep, about 3 meters. After the three people were seen fainting, one other resident was about to help, but he went back upstairs and gasped. Maybe there was poison gas inside," he said.

The Cipondoh Police Chief, Kompol Ubaidillah, suspects that the three victims died due to water vapor poisoning.

"There may be natural gas evaporating from the sewer. There are 3 victims in total. We are still investigating this case," he said.

From the identity obtained, the victim died in the name of Aditya Putra Pratama (20), a resident of Joglo, West Jakarta, Andika Saputra, a resident of Wonosobo and Agung (33), and one local resident who often delivered gallons of water.

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