JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit arrested 4 drug dealers with as much as 279 kilograms of dried marijuana as evidence. The four suspects are from the Sumatra-Java network with smuggling via land routes.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ady Wibowo, said 279 kilograms of marijuana was secured from Jalan Raya Padang Street, West Sumatra, the result of development from Jakarta. The marijuana was sent by two truck drivers with the initials SD (45) and FRN (37) by land.

In addition to arresting two marijuana truck drivers, a suspect with the initials AA (26) was arrested as a marijuana recipient using a Xenia car. Meanwhile, suspect M (29) is the controller of the West Java prison.

Hundreds of kilograms of marijuana are planned to be distributed to Jakarta and Bandung, West Java. This disclosure is the result of the development of a previous case in the Palmerah area, West Jakarta.

"Based on the results of the arrest, the team moved after receiving information on the shipment of marijuana-type narcotics from Sumatra to Jakarta", the police chief told reporters, Wednesday, October 6.

Meanwhile, the Head of Drugs at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Danang Setiyo, said that the raid on a truck filled with marijuana was carried out on Jalan Raya Padang Street, Bukit Tinggi, Sumatra.

"The two drivers are tasked with taking trucks containing drugs in turns. From the suspect's confession, three sacks containing 150 kilograms of marijuana will be sent to the West Java area", he said.

After ambushing a truck containing hundreds of kilograms of marijuana, the team again moved to arrest suspect AA who was about to take marijuana driving a Xenia car. AA was arrested on the edge of Cut Mutia Street, Margahayu Village, RT 02/011, East Bekasi District, West Java.

"AA is in charge of receiving marijuana ready for distribution. AA admits that he took dried marijuana ready for distribution on orders from a person with the initials M (29) who is undergoing a legal process in Lapas, West Java", he said.

AA admitted that he had picked up dried marijuana twice and methamphetamine once. For each pick-up, the perpetrators receive a one-time fee of IDR 16 million.

"From the results of the disclosure, as many as 1,395,270 lives were saved and with a nominal black market amount of more than 1.4 billion", he said.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 sub-Article 111 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 of UURI No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, a maximum of 20 years in prison", he said.

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