JAKARTA - Sa'ati (40), a victim of a mugging on Kesatrian VIII Street, Matraman District, East Jakarta, regret the actions taken by the perpetrators against her. The reason is that she has only one year of Oppo branded cellphones.

The victim admitted that she was still in shock over the loss of his cellphone and IDR 500 thousand of his money.

"The Oppo (HP) is new, only been running for a year, the Oppo is blue", she told reporters at the location, Wednesday, October 6.

Meanwhile, the missing IDR 500 thousand is planned to be transferred to her first child at the Islamic boarding school for pocket money.

"The IDR 500 thousand was to be transferred to my son who was at the cottage, he called last night", she said.

However, the plan failed after Sa'ati's money and cellphone were stolen by a thief after returning home from immunizing at SDN Kebon Manggis School at 11 am.

"I'm transferring, I think I'm closing my laundry, I'm going to school. I'll stop at the cellphone counter for a transfer. But instead there's a mugging", she said.

In fact, after leaving the shop, Sa'ati planned to transfer the IDR 500 thousand to her son who was in the Islamic boarding school.

Previously, it was reported that Sa'ati, a mother, was targeted by a mugging victim on Kesatriaan VIII Street, Bearland TNI Complex, Kebon Manggis Village, Matraman District. The victim was snatched after delivering her child's immunization at SDN 11 Kebon Manggis school.

"I just dropped off my child's immunizations at school. On my way home, I stopped at a tea shop, while I put my cellphone and wallet on the front dashboard", she told reporters at the scene, Tuesday, October 5.

On the front dashboard, the victim put his cellphone and wallet containing IDR 500 thousand in cash. The victim was suspicious and worried about her valuables on the motorcycle dashboard. She also wanted to take her cellphone and wallet.

"The plan was to turn around to take the cellphone, it turned out that when I looked someone with a motorbike said, 'Mom... Mom... this is the cellphone, this is the cellphone'. I was spontaneously surprised, oh God, it's my cellphone. . I shouted thief.. thief. He (the perpetrator) immediately fled", said the victim.

The victim was angry with the perpetrator. After stealing her cellphone, the perpetrator actually mocked the victim.

"The person (the perpetrator) was teasing. I ran after the thief shouted. It was quiet at that time", she said.

The victim explained that the characteristics of the perpetrator had been recognized by local residents. He also hopes that residents can immediately catch the perpetrators to provide a deterrent effect.

"The characteristic perpetrator has been caught, people here recognize it. That person (perpetrator) wants to go shopping (drugs) through the church heading from Manggarai. He is a grass market person, that's an outsider", she said.

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