JAKARTA - Gerindra Party politician Fadli Zon is surprised by the progress of Densus 88 which is busy developing an Islamophobic narrative in the country. In fact, the priority of handling terrorists that clearly oppose the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia has never been completely resolved.

"Separatist terrorists who clearly challenge Indonesia should be the priority but cannot be handled. Don't always develop an Islamophobic narrative that can divide the nation," said Fadli through a tweet on his Twitter account, @fadlizon quoted on Wednesday, October 6.

The tasks of dealing with terrorism, suggested Fadli, should be handed over to the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT). Because too many institutions are involved in these cases.

"In my opinion, there are too many institutions dealing with terrorism. It should be @BNPTRI," explained the member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Previously, Fadli Zon highlighted the statement by the Director of Prevention of the Special Detachment (Densus) Anti-terror 88 Polri Kombes M Rosidi. In a discussion, Rosidi linked the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan could have an impact on the rise of terrorist groups in Indonesia.

Fadli Zon did not accept it because Densus 88 was considered to be using this issue as part of Islamophobia in Indonesia. In the end, Fadli Zon asked Densus 88 to be disbanded.

"This kind of narrative will not be trusted by the people anymore, it smells of Islamophobia, the world has changed, it's best if Detachment 88 is disbanded," Fadli tweeted via his Twitter, @fadlizon quoted Wednesday, October 6.

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