JAKARTA - The commemoration of the 76th TNI Day in 2021 will be held differently. In addition to holding a commemoration ceremony, the main equipment of the state's weapon system (defense equipment) was also exhibited.

The defense equipment system has been placed on roads around the Jakarta Presidential Palace since Sunday night, October 3, 2021. The roads used are North Medan Merdeka Street and West Medan Merdeka Street.

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said the defense equipment exhibition was held so that the public knew about the defense equipment owned by the TNI. In addition, it is also to bring the TNI closer to the community.

"There are more than 100 units of the TNI's defense equipment on display, of course, giving pride to us, the whole community. And of this defense equipment, most of them are rarely known to the public," said Heru in Jakarta, Monday, October 4, 2021.

Several types of defense equipment on display were 2 units of light tactical vehicles Sherpa Light Scout, 35 units of tactical Anoa vehicle, 8 units of Indonesia Light Strike Vehicle (ILSV) Armored Personnel Carrier, and 2 units of Rantis Bushmaster.

There are also 19 P6 ATAV units, 18 Mistral Missiles, 2 MPCV Mistral units, 4 MCP radar units, 2 BTR 4 units, 1 Alligator unit, 2 Turangga APC units, 4 RM 70 Vampire MLRS units along with 1 Rantis Tatrapan unit, 2 units Orlikon Skyshield, 4 units of MLRS Astros, and 6 units of Armed Caesar 155 MM.

Heru realized that the existence of the defense equipment system would certainly attract the attention of road users.

"For the community, we ask for their understanding and apologize if they pass through the Palace area because their journey will be hampered," said Heru.

The defense equipment exhibition in the context of TNI Day will be held until October 6, 2021.

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