JAKARTA - The Golkar Party is encouraged to form a coalition of religious nationalists in the 2024 General Election. This is welcomed by PPP as a political party based on Islamic ideology. PPP Deputy General Chair Amir Uskara said the discourse of a nationalist-religious coalition should be considered. According to him, the discourse will be discussed internally in PPP.

"If there is encouragement from Golkar to form a religious nationalist coalition, it will certainly become a reference for PPP when it is discussed internally," explained Amir, Monday, October 5.

Currently, said Amir, his party has not discussed the 2024 presidential election at all. This is because PPP is still busy with internal consolidation at the regional level. "The management is still consolidating internally, after the provincial level is complete, currently the consolidation has only reached the district/city level," said Amir again.

Speaking of presidential and vice presidential candidates, Amir said, PPP would of course prioritize its best cadre, Suharso Monoarfa, to run in the 2024 General Election.

Regarding the possibility of forming a coalition with Golkar and carrying the Airlangga-Suharso pair as presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024, Amir assessed that the possibility is very open. Especially at this time, PPP has not decided and officially discussed the pair of president and vice president.

"Because there has never been a discussion, then all options are still open until there is a final decision within the internal party," said Amir.

Nationalist-Religious Coalition

Previously, it was reported that the Golkar Party's Indonesian Ulama Working Unit (Satkar) encouraged the General Chair of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, to establish communication with religious-based parties. Airlangga was also asked to maintain good relations with scholars.

Secretary General of the DPP Satkar Golkar Party Ashraf Ali said the religious nationalist coalition was one of the ideals for Airlangga to compete in the 2024 presidential election.

According to Ashraf, because of the general and heterogeneous culture of Indonesian society, there needs to be an understanding on how to bring this nation forward.

Politically, according to Ashraf, only 30 percent of the people or voters have static choices. While the other 70 percent are dynamic. 30 percent of these static voters are cadres, administrators and sympathizers.

"Well, 70 percent of the character is religious, so it is very natural that there is a national coalition with a religious character that we must approach," Ashraf said when contacted, Tuesday, September 28.

Ashraf views that the Indonesian people need an emotional touch, and the highest emotionality is related to religion.

"So for a politician or political party who can seize the territory, it is likely to get support from the community," he said.

Observer Says

Executive Director of Voxpol Center Research and Consulting Pangi Syarwi Chaniago considered the nationalist-religious coalition ideal to encourage Golkar General Chair Airlangga Hartarto to become a presidential candidate in 2024.

Pangi analyzed that Airlangga only had to work with cadres with religious characteristics such as those from PKS, PKB, and PAN. Pangi said, Airlangga was known as a figure with a nationalist character. Likewise, Golkar has a nationalist impression.

"It's just a matter of how Airlangga chooses the ideal vice presidential candidate to cover up his weaknesses so far," Pangi said when contacted, Thursday, September 30.

According to Pangi, Airlangga should dare to run as a presidential candidate in 2024 by looking for a national-religious coalition. This is because the advancement of the man who is also the Coordinating Minister for the Economy has the potential to increase Golkar's electability.

"Airlangga's choice to run as a presidential candidate and has no real burden, wants to lose, wants to win, in the history of elections Golkar still wins a lot, remains the ruling party," said Pangi.

Previously, the Golkar Party's Indonesian Ulama Work Unit (Satkar) encouraged General Chair Airlangga Hartarto to form a religious nationalist coalition. The coalition is considered qualified to reap the granary of votes.

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