NTB - The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the NTB (West Nusa Tenggara) Police has installed a wiretapping device and a communication signal tracking device at the Class IIA Mataram Prison, Kuripan, West Lombok Regency.

Director of Narcotics and Drugs at the NTB Police, Kombes Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra Rauf, said the installation of this device was part of a joint commitment to eradicate drugs in the Mataram Class IIA prison area.

"At the same time, this is a joint commitment in realizing the Clean Prison program from drugs and cellphones", he said in Mataram, Antara, Monday, October 4.

Technically, this tapping device will be an indicator of the movement of the police and prison authorities in detecting indications of involvement or control of drug trafficking from within the prison.

In line with the Director of Narcotics of the NTB Police, Head of Class IIA Mataram, Ketut Akbar Herry Achjar emphasized that this is a form of joint commitment in efforts to eradicate drug trafficking.

In the future, Akbar sees this tool will be effective in suppressing the involvement of prisoners or officers in the circulation of drug cases.

He also conveyed this after looking at police records in the last 2 years which revealed the involvement of prison inmates in drug trafficking.

With this, Akbar hopes that this tool can be part of providing a deterrent effect to the inmates of the Class IIA Mataram Correctional Institution (WBP) and officers from being involved in drug trafficking.

"So, it is not only a deterrent effect for the inmates but also as a warning to our officers that the Class IIA Mataram Prison is not playing games in its efforts to eradicate drugs", he said.

In operating this tool, the prison will coordinate with the NTB Police's Narcotics Directorate. As for the technicalities, he said, the operator who carried out this direct monitoring came from the NTB Regional Police.

"So, it is directly connected to the NTB Police. Later, we are just waiting for information from the NTB Police. If there are findings, the NTB Police will report it, and we will follow up in prisons", he said.

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