MEDAN - Medan Government received a certificate of appreciation for the success of compiling and presenting the 2020 Financial Statements with the achievement of Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the Ministry of Finance.

This award was received by the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution from the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani who was represented by the Head of the North Sumatra Regional DJPB  (Directorate General of Treasury), Tiarta Sebayang at the Mayor's Office, Monday, October 4

For this award, Bobby Nasution who was present accompanied by the Deputy Mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman, said that the WTP opinion achieved by the Medan City Government could be a motivation for all ranks to continue to improve performance so that they can provide the best for the people of Medan City.

"This WTP Opinion Award is a form of responsibility for the Medan City Government in terms of managing public money. This means that the trust given by the community to the Medan City Government to manage both receiving and allocating the money for City Development, we have proven and accountable for it administratively", said the Mayor of Medan City, Bobby Nasution, was quoted from a statement from the Medan City Government of Ministry of Communication and Informatics Service.

In the future, Bobby Nasution asked all OPDs (Regional Apparatus Organization) to be able to use the Medan City Government budget as well as possible. Medan City Government, Bobby Nasution emphasized, must ensure that the program to build the city and the welfare of Medan residents is achieved.

"I ask that in the future we can manage our finances better. In addition, the management of assets belonging to the Medan City Government must be maintained. Tidy up all existing assets by the rules and regulations, because in the BPK (Audit Board) examination, they are often questioned", said Bobby Nasution.

To the North Sumatra Regional Office of DJPB, Bobby Nasution thanked the Award for WTP Opinion that was given to the Medan City Government. Of course, this charter is not only framed but includes Regional Incentive Fund (DID) assistance from the Central Government.

"This DID award and assistance will be a motivation for all Medan City Government officials to carry out and manage our finances better for the development of Medan City in the future", said Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Head of the North Sumatra DJPB Regional Office, Tiarta Sebayang, said the Award for WTP Opinion was given by the Ministry of Finance because Medan City has been able to manage its finances by the principles of managing state finances.

This means that in the submission of regional financial reports, all documents are by the laws and regulations. In addition, the credibility of the internal control is also running well.

"We hope that this award can be a motivation for the Medan City Government and this WTP opinion can make the Medan City Government staff more enthusiastic in managing their finances. So that the Medan City that we are proud of is truly a role model in North Sumatra Province later", said Tiarta.

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