JAKARTA - A total of 112 main weapons system equipment (alutsista) will be displayed along Jalan Merdeka Barat, Jalan Merdeka Selatan and Jalan Merdeka Utara. This is in commemoration of the 76th TNI Anniversary which falls on 5 October.

The title of defense equipment is a form of embodiment of the current strength of the TNI as well as a report to the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the public that the budget given by the government to the TNI is one of them used to procure defense equipment needs.

"This defense equipment system is to protect the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia from disturbances, obstacles, threats and challenges faced by the Indonesian nation," said the Head of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Center, Colonel of the Sea (KH) Edys Riyanto, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 3.

Previously, TNI Chief of General Staff (Kasum) Lt. Gen. Eko Margiyono accompanied by TNI Lt. Gen. (Mar.) Bambang Suswantono and his staff reviewed the 76th TNI Anniversary Clean Rehearsal which was centered at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta today.

Several types of defense equipment that will be displayed are two units of light tactical vehicles Sherpa Light Scout, 35 units of tactical Anoa vehicle, eight units of Indonesia Light Strike Vehicle (ILSV) Armored Personnel Carrier, two units of Rantis Bushmaster.

Furthermore, 19 units of P6 Atav, 24 units of Mistral Missile vehicles, two units of BTR 4, one unit of Alligator, two units of APC Turangga, five units of MLRS (RM 70 Vampire and Tatrapan), two units of Orlikon Skyshield, four units of MLRS Astros and six units Armed Caesar 155MM.

Meanwhile, the ceremony to commemorate the 76th Anniversary of the TNI was held in a simple and limited manner by implementing strict health protocol standards considering that currently Indonesia is still hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Colonel Edys, the ceremony which took place in a simple manner, the number of personnel on duty was also limited to only 28 personnel.

In addition to being held at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta, the 76th TNI Anniversary commemoration ceremony in 2021 was also held in all TNI units both on duty at home and abroad online.

In addition to deploying defense equipment, the TNI also carried out an air demonstration involving 18 fighter aircraft and 8 TNI helicopters involved in an aerial demonstration over the Jakarta sky.

Eight TNI (AD, AL, AU) helicopters with the call sign "Trimatra flight" flew across the Jakarta sky carrying the red-and-white flag and the Indonesian Armed Forces Emblem flag measuring d 20x30 meters.

These eight helicopters are divided into two flight elements. The first element (four helicopters) consists of one NAS-332 Super Puma Helicopter Air Squadron 6 Atang Sendjaja Air Base carrying the Red and White flag and three AH-64 E Apache Squadron-11/Assault Helicopters, TNI AD.

Meanwhile, the second element (four helicopters), said Colonel Edys, consisted of 1 EC-725 Caracal Helicopter Air Squadron 8 at Atang Sendjaja Air Base carrying the TNI Trimatra flag and 3 AS565 MBe Panther Helicopters Air Squadron 400 Wing II, TNI AL.

Meanwhile, there are 18 Indonesian Air Force fighter aircraft consisting of six T-50i Golden Eagle "Golden Flight" fighter aircraft (Air Squadron 15), 6 F-16 Fighting Falcon "Dragon Flight" (Air Squadron 3).

"And six SU-27/30 'Bajra Flight' fighter aircraft (Air Squadrons 14 and 11) carried out arrow head formations and 'bomb burst' maneuvers right above the Merdeka Palace," said Colonel Edys.

Also attending the review of the rehearsal for the 76th TNI Anniversary Asops TNI Commander Maj. Gen. Syafruddin and Aspers TNI Commander Marsda TNI A. Gustaf Brugman.

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