JAKARTA - A number of student activists from the Cipayung Papua group suddenly came to the hotel where the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, was staying in Jayapura. They asserted that Papua and Central Java were brothers.

The arrival of student activists from GMNI, PMII, PMKRI, HMI, GMKI and BEM of Cenderawasih University was quite surprising. Ganjar, who was having breakfast at the hotel restaurant, was in a hurry to meet the students.

While having coffee, Ganjar and the student engaged in a lively chat. Ganjar spent more than two hours hanging out with them, and sharing stories and experiences. The meeting was warm, with jokes and jokes that made everyone laugh.

The chairman of GMNI Jayapura, Ricky Bofra, said that he deliberately met Ganjar for discussion. According to him, Ganjar is one of the preferred leaders because he is close to the people and has achievements. Not only building Central Java, Ganjar has inspired many youths across the country.

"When he came here, this was a momentum for us to meet and share his ideas, input, and ideas with us, to build Jayapura," he explained on Sunday, October 3.

Photo of Central Java Provincial Government Public Relations

Ricky appreciates Ganjar's idea to form twin villages between Central Java and Papua. He hopes that the brotherhood of Central Java and Papua will continue for Indonesia.

"We are friends in Jayapura and with our relatives in Central Java, we are still brothers, greetings to one Indonesia," he said.

The chairman of PMII Jayapura, Mahfud, said that Papua is a miniature of Indonesia. He himself is a descendant of Madura who lives in Papua.

"We are a miniature symbol of the Republic of Indonesia, even though we are different, but differences in ethnicity and religion do not divide us," he said.

Ganjar gave input to student activists. Activists who usually only talk about politics are invited to enter into creative and concrete areas in helping the community. In the midst of this pandemic, there are many things student activists can do. Helping health, economic, educational, social, cultural and other issues. Ganjar also asked student activists to help improve Papua's excellent creative economy.

“Even though it's small, what these guys are doing must be a solution. It doesn't need to be big, it doesn't matter what is important, it's useful. It can develop the creative economy here, increase tourism and others," he said.

The Barisan Relawan Nusantara (BaraNusa) group will report the former Commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Natalius Pigai, to the Metro Jaya Police, Monday, October 4 tomorrow. Natalius Pigai will be reported for his tweets allegedly conveying racist messages to President Jokowi and the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

In addition, the reporting party also alleged that Natalius Pigai's tweet was not in line with his history of holding positions at Komnas HAM. Later, the reporter will report five points to the police regarding the alleged violation of Natalius Pigai's tweet.

Photo of Central Java Provincial Government Public Relations

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