SULSEL - After attending a funeral at one of the funeral homes, 102 residents of Pangkajene Hamlet, Pakabba Village, North Galesong District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi) suffered from food poisoning.
One victim of the poisoning, named Ariel, aged 8, was declared dead while receiving medical treatment at the Labuang Baji Regional General Hospital, in Makassar City, today, Saturday.
"Initially it was calculated that there were 90 people, then 98 people increased, then four people increased, the total being 102 victims of food poisoning," said North Galesong sub-district head Amran Torada quoting Antara, October 2.
Asked about the cause of the mass poisoning, Amran explained the chronology of the incident that started with a takziah ceremony for Syahrul's death in the hamlet on Wednesday 29 September.
At that time, Deng Mille's family had prepared 250 packs of boxed rice to be distributed to residents who took part in the takziah, residents also received the dos of rice. Some of the guests even ate it right away and some took it home to eat the next day.

On Thursday, September 30 and Friday, October 1, 2021, many residents complained of frequent defecation, until they were attacked by vomiting, including the host. But residents consider it a common disease. But not a few residents took the initiative to check with the local health center, Aeng Toa.
Furthermore, on Saturday, October 2, 2021, an 8-year-old resident named Ariel was finally referred to the Labuang Baji Hospital in Makassar because his condition was critical. However, at around 13.00 WITA, the child could not be helped while being treated by the medical team.
"There was information earlier that the person concerned had died. We from the local government, village government, sub-district together with elements of the health center immediately announced at the mosque for residents who indicated symptoms of poisoning as soon as possible, immediately evacuated to the puskesmas and hospital," he also said.
So far, based on the team's monitoring, dozens of poisoning patients have improved, and some have been discharged. But for patients whose condition is still weak, they still receive treatment from the Aeng Towa Health Center and the hospital.
"The health team continues to monitor progress at both the hospital and the puskesmas. According to the Takalar Regent's instructions, all treatment for patients is borne by the Takalar Regency Government, no penny is paid, this is the Regency Government's responsibility," he said.
For the dos of food, he said again, ordered through a caterer, but it is not known whether the caterer is registered or not, and whether it is usually ordered by the local community. It has also coordinated with the police in terms of its investigation.
Confirmed separately, the Head of the Takalar Health Service, Dr. Rahmawati, confirmed the poisoning incident, after eating food after attending a funeral ceremony at the funeral home. He also confirmed that one child died in Labuang Baji Hospital due to running out of body fluids or dehydration.
Based on this information, the local Health Office team immediately moved to pick up villagers who were indicated to have symptoms, fever and acute diarrhea, and some were even forced to go to the hospital so that the number of victims would not increase.
The Takalar Health Office immediately provided special shelters at two regional hospitals, namely Haji Padjonga Daeng Ngalle Hospital and KIA Zainab Takalar Hospital, the rest were referred to hospitals in Makassar City.
"If the symptoms are still high, we immediately evacuate them to the hospital. The condition is now thank God, some have started to improve," said Rahmawati.
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