JAKARTA - Some time ago, the DKI Provincial Government through the DKI Communications, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) Office released a clarification regarding the issue of the implementation of Formula E in a written statement.

The PSI faction of the DKI DPRD was surprised why DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan had even ordered his staff to make a written statement regarding Formula E, which did not even include the name of the official responsible for the statement.

Jakarta DPRD PSI faction member Justin Untayana accused Anies of not daring to tackle the Formula E issue himself and taking cover behind his subordinates.

“Revealing the facts must be based on data, not assumptions let alone wishful thinking. We wonder why Governor Anies never explained himself about Formula E, is the governor really not confident so he has to hide and appoint his subordinates?” Justin told reporters on Friday, October 1.

Justin said, this shows that Anies does not want to face the Interpellation of Formula E.

"No wonder Governor Anies seems afraid to undergo the Interpellation, if a shallow argument is prepared as presented by the Communication and Information Office, it is possible that Mr. Anies will be humiliated by his own argument," he said.

Moreover, currently the revised feasibility study for Formula E has not yet been published and has been submitted to the DPRD.

“The official discussion of the trillions of rupiah budget which originated from the sweat of the people, should have been at an honorable plenary meeting, not via the internet or leaflets. Until now we have not received official documents related to Formula E, can only those who are invited to eat can see it?” he said.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government released a document regarding the explanation of Formula E based on the assumptions that developed in the community.

The DKI Provincial Government has clarified various things, starting from the assumption that Formula E is a waste of the APBD, paying commitment fees that are more expensive than other countries, a number of manufacturers leaving Formula E, following up on recommendations from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), to implementing Formula E beyond the governor's term of office.

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