DENPASAR - The perpetrator of the theft of a motorcycle saddle specialist who was troubling the public was finally arrested by the Denpasar Police team, Bali.

The perpetrator is Hendro Pariyono Pratama (33) from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). He has acted in 17 locations in Denpasar.

"The suspect admitted that he committed the theft using the same mode as many as 17 crime scenes in the Denpasar Police jurisdiction and 12 times (prying the saddle) in the parking area of the Lumintang field, Denpasar", said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police, Iptu Ketut Sukadi, Friday, October 1.

The arrest of the perpetrator started from the report of a victim named Intan Khofifah Yulinar who became a victim of the perpetrator in Puputan Dauh Puri Kangin Field, West Denpasar District, Bali, on Thursday, September 9.

At that time the victim put the cellphone in a jacket which was stored in the motorcycle seat parked at Puputan Field. When he returned to the motorbike, his cellphone was gone.

"The missing item is an Oppo F3 mobile phone, a loss of Rp. 4,200,000", said Sukadi.

From the investigation, the police arrested the perpetrator on Thursday, September 16 in Gianyar. Several pieces of evidence were confiscated, including the perpetrator's motorbike.

The perpetrator in the examination admitted that he took the cellphone that was in the motorcycle seat by forcibly opening the motorcycle seat using a fake motorcycle key.

"The motive is economic, there is no work involved and the crime money is used for their daily needs", said Iptu Sukadi.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft which carries a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison.

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