SURABAYA - One COVID-19 patient who was previously treated at the Lapangan Indrapura Hospital (RSLI) Surabaya recovered alias negative for COVID-19. RSLI currently has zero COVID-19 patients, aka zero.

"One patient who was previously positive has now recovered. That means, RSLI as of today is zero COVID-19", said the Head of the COVID-19 Patient Family Assistance Program (PPKPC) RSLI Surabaya, Radian Jadid, confirmed, Thursday, September 30.

Jadid said the last COVID-19 patients who were discharged today were either public or independent. The patient with the initials WNP also admitted that she was happy to be able to meet her family soon. Because, she admitted that since Friday, September 24, she has been treated at the RSLI.

"Alhamdulillah, I can go home. I did the PCR swab yesterday and the result was negative, I can go home soon", said the 29-year-old woman.

Meanwhile, the Doctor in Charge of Patients (DPJP) RSLI Surabaya, Nevy Shinta Damayanti, said that the health workers at the RSLI continued to carry out their activities as usual even though there were no patients. However, future activities are focused on evaluation.

"Nurses, doctors, and administration will again refresh their knowledge, as a step to increase capacity as well as a form of anticipation and preparedness to face future developments and challenges", said the pulmonary specialist.

RSLI Surabaya nurse representative, Oktavianus Kopong Miten, said the condition of all available facilities was maintained. It makes improvements if some deficiencies and damage are found according to hospital procedures and provisions.

"We carry out overall cleaning, decontamination, sterilization, and arrangement of the assets inside, including the arrangement and arrangement of bed numbers, as well as inspections and improvements to infrastructure suggestions", he said.

This patient's loose condition provides an opportunity for RSLI Surabaya to check all available facilities. Therefore, the nurses continue to monitor and ensure that everything is in good condition and ready for use.

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