JAKARTA - A virologist who is also a Professor at Udayana University Prof. I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika said that COVID-19 vaccination plays an important role in saving oneself and others from the threat of the COVID-19 infectious disease. vaccination. This is humanity's endeavor, progress in medical science has a very real impact on suppressing cases. Don't hesitate to be vaccinated," Mahardika said in a virtual talk on Virus Mutation Alert with Health Protocols in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, September 30. Vaccination will stimulate the immune system to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. Even though those who have been vaccinated can become infected with COVID-19, they have a greater chance of not suffering from severe or critical symptoms than those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. According to Mahardika, the COVID-19 vaccine is able to reduce the risk of severe clinical symptoms but does not suppress it significantly simal transmission of COVID-19 in the community. Therefore, it must be accompanied by the implementation of strict health protocols. "Those who are not vaccinated will be at risk of getting serious illness and going to the hospital and possibly dying," he said. Mahardika also said that people do not need to worry too much about the SARS virus variants. -CoV-2 causes the existing COVID-19. The most important thing to be ready to fight these variants is to strictly enforce health protocols, especially avoiding crowds, and immediately undergo COVID-19 vaccination. effective against all variants, of which the most important way is to eliminate the risk of infection. That's because the more people infected, the easier it is for new variants to occur again. Therefore, it is necessary to suppress the rate of transmission and spread by implementing health protocols in a disciplined manner, following the policy for the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities, and undergoing COVID-19 vaccination.

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