MEDAN - Allegations of abuse carried out by the Percut Sei Tuan police chief, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, AKP Jan Piter Napitupulu, to his subordinates, Brigadier FS, have a long tail. AKP Jan Piter, reported by the wife of Brigadier FS to the North Sumatra Police.

FS lawyer, Aldi Pramana said the report was submitted on Wednesday, September 29. The report is registered with the number: LP/B/1522/IX/2021/SPKT.

"We reported the police chief at around 18.00 WIB," said Aldi Pramana, Thursday, September 30.

The author of this report is the wife of Brigadier FS. Because Brigadier FS is undergoing treatment at the hospital.

"From his wife, it happened (the report) that Pak Faisal was short of breath, because there were bruises on his chest, so he was being treated. The report was about alleged abuse," explained Aldi.

It is hoped that Aldi said in the future this case will be processed immediately .

"This is between superiors and subordinates who are being persecuted, it is still one agency. We hope that there will be a meeting. The family's hope is that the case of alleged abuse is also continued," he said.

According to Aldi, this case began when the FS Brigadier was trusted by his cousin named Dani to oversee his land in Percut Sei Tuan District. Then the FS Brigadier was contacted by Dani about the land where a new building had been built.

Even though the sign has been installed in that place, no development can be carried out.

"But at that time the sign disappeared, instead there was a pile of bricks. Faisal kicked the stone," said Aldi.

From that kick, the building collapsed. Not long after, the FS Brigadier was contacted by the alleged owner of the building named Haji Burhan. The FS Brigadier was invited to eat durian.

"That's where the persecution took place near the Cemara gas station. He was bruised, he felt dizzy, so he was hospitalized," said Aldi.

After being arrested, his client was taken by 2 police officers who were suspected of wearing civilian clothes.

"He was detained at the Sector Police, it is suspected that he used illegal goods (drugs). Then he was checked at the clinic to check urine and the results were negative," he said.

Separately, the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, confirmed the report from FS. They are still investigating the case.

"We will look into the report," said Kombes Hadi.

Previously, the Percut Sei Tuan police chief, AKP Janpiter, denied molesting FS. According to him, FS, was injured when he was about to be secured in the case of building damage.

"So I secured my member because he was disturbing the community, he destroyed community buildings, pointed a gun," said AKP Jan Pieter, Thursday, September 29.

However, Jan Pieter did not specify the case that ensnared his men. According to him, the arrest of FS was not arbitrary, the parties who carried out the security consisted of the Provos Head and other police officers.

"I opened this because he was like that, I opened all of them. It has been repeatedly done like that. If I don't respond to public complaints, what will the community say later," he explained.

He also ensured that the actions taken were purely because of public reports, and there was absolutely no personal sentiment.

"Anyone who disturbs Kamtibmas, disturbs the community, whether it's officials or anyone else, I will attend," said the Sector Police Chief.

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