LEBAK – The Lebak Police found facts in the case of child abuse against parents that occurred in Bangkalok Village RT04/03, Girimukti Village, Cimarga District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, West Java.

Based on information from the Head of the Lebak Police of the Banten Police, AKBP Teddy Rayendra, through the Kasihumas of the Lebak Police, Iptu Jajang Junaedi, the suspect SY turned out to be a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ).

"Currently the perpetrator has been secured by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cimarga Police of the Lebak Police. And based on the results of the examination of witness and family statements that the perpetrator SY, in 2020 had been treated in a mental hospital." said Jajang to VOI, Wednesday, September 29.

Being in a mental hospital, it turned out that the SY family forced the child to stay at home.

“Once treated in a mental hospital and brought home by force by his family. Currently, the perpetrators are still undergoing outpatient treatment at the Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital," said Jajang.

Jajang said, so far the perpetrators are still in custody. Regarding whether the perpetrators underwent a legal process, the Police still needed to conduct a more in-depth examination.

"Yes, we will carry out further investigations. Meanwhile, we will take care of the perpetrators first.” Connect Jajang.

Previously, it was reported that SY (28) slashed his father, Rasdi (65) on Tuesday, September 28, at around 18.15 WIB. The incident began when SY asked for cigarettes from his father, Rasdi. But the father could not fulfill his son's request.

After a few minutes later, SY suddenly brought a machete and immediately slashed at his father's head, back and arms. Rasdi fell unable to fight back. Residents who knew about this immediately took Rasdi to Adjidarmo Hospital. The police who received the report immediately arrested SY.

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