JAKARTA - In news coverage, a journalist is actually obliged to put forward a journalistic code of ethics. Unfortunately there are still unscrupulous journalists who ignore it.

As experienced by Heru Hidayat, where he became a victim of hoax alias fake news from online media products recently. According to Heru Hidayat's attorney, Kresna Hutauruk, his client objected to the coverage of several online media.

"That we as PH Heru Hidayat object to the reporting of beritaekspress.com and beritabuana.co where it seems as if the journalists have conducted interviews with our client Heru Hidayat. .com or beritabuana.co and never submitted a statement as the news uploaded at 11.47 WIB on the above date," said Kresna in his statement, in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 29.

Previously, the online media wrote that Heru Hidayat as the defendant in the PT ASABRI case asked the Attorney General's Special Crime Investigator (Pidsus) to process his work partners, namely AR as the President Director of PT FIRE and AF the owner of FIRE's shares who sold their shares to PT ASABRI.

Kresna added that journalists from beritaekspres.com and beritabuana.co media were suspected of having conveyed false news. For this incident, his party did not remain silent and immediately sent the right of reply.

"We have issued a right of reply and a strong protest against the violation of the journalistic code of ethics committed by the journalists of beritaekspres.com and beritabuana and reported it to the Press Council, PWI and AJI," said Kresna.

Kresna argued that during the trial, his client was indeed approached by someone he did not know, even when this person asked about his case and mentioned several names, my client has stated that he does not want to comment on anything and asked an unknown person who is suspected to be a journalist to seek other information in accordance with questionable.

"What is clear is that the unknown person or individual journalist never introduced himself as a journalist and showed his press identity. Even my client did not know that the piecemeal conversation was an interview. The journalist tried to frame Mr. Heru with a number of angular questions," said Krishna.

"The person who did not introduce himself as a journalist also did not ask for permission whether our client's statement could be quoted and published in online media," he said.

Therefore, his party demanded the online media beritaekspres.com and beritabuana.co to withdraw the news and apologize to the readers.

"Hopefully in the future, things like this will not happen again because the journalist profession is a noble profession. Always act by prioritizing professionalism and not mixing opinion with facts. And therefore Indonesian journalists are equipped with the 'right of rejection' if they feel that their duties have been carried out. violated his independence," he concluded.

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