PONTIANAK - Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, stated that the presence of the Health Center in Gang Sehat, Pontianak City, West Kalimantan is quite important in preventing or treating various diseases experienced by the community.

"The existence of the Health Center, including those in Gang Sehat, is important in dealing with any disease, so it doesn't spread", said Budi Gunadi Sadikin while visiting the Gang Sehat Health Center in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

After visiting the Gang Sehat Health Center, the Minister of Health assessed that the Health Center was clean enough and the innovation was also quite good in providing health services to the community.

"We thank the Pontianak City Government for providing health services to the community", he said.

The Minister of Health hopes that the services provided by the Gang Sehat Health Center can be an example for other Health Center in improving health services to the community.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Pontianak, Edi Rusdi Kamtono, stated that the Minister of Health's working visit to the Gang Sehat Health Center was in appreciation of the health services provided by the ranks of this Health Center with 20 innovations.

"He arrived at the Gang Sehat Health Center encourages us to provide health services to the community, especially according to the Minister of Health, the Healthy Gang Health Center will become a pilot health center for other health centers", said Edi.

The Mayor said that one of the innovations of the Gang Sehat Health Center was to provide quality rice assistance for pregnant women so that the babies they conceived were not born stunted or malnourished.

Edi stated that his party will continue to improve health services at the Health Center level so that people do not have to go far to get health services.

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