JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, opened his voice regarding the rejection of seven factions on the scheduling of the Formula E interpellation plenary meeting which he caught at the Deliberative Body meeting.

Prasetyo denied discussing the illegal plenary meeting schedule because it was not stated in the invitation to the Bamus meeting.

Prasetyo emphasized that the PKS faction, Golkar Party, Democratic Party, and NasDem Party in the Bamus meeting room this morning did not budge.

Therefore, he views that the determination of the plenary schedule for the interpellation is already a rule. Bearing in mind, none of the members of the seven factions expressed their rejection of the schedule.

"We have given those present (at the Bamus meeting) the opportunity to express their opinions. How come there are those from the faction who disagree (intepellation) in the meeting. But they didn't say anything until I knocked on the hammer," Prasetyo told reporters on Monday. , September 27.

The arguments that came, Prasetyo said, actually came from the Bamus meeting participants who demanded that the use of the right to ask questions be scheduled immediately.

The PDI-P politician also emphasized that from the start he had always referred to the Code of Conduct as the direction where the DKI Jakarta DPRD carried out its functions. Like approving interpellation proposals from two factions, namely the PDI-P and PSI.

"When it is in accordance with the requirements in the Rules of Conduct that an interpellation is submitted for at least 15 people from two factions, I agree. So it is in accordance with the Code of Conduct," he said.

Previously, seven factions of the DKI DPRD expressed their refusal to attend the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation of Formula E which is planned to be held on Tuesday, September 28 tomorrow.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, emphasized that the seven factions would not attend the plenary meeting because the agenda was considered illegal.

"Seven factions and four deputy chairmen of the DKI DPRD stated that the plenary meeting held on Tuesday, September 28 was not appropriate to attend because it was an illegal act," said Taufik.

The plenary meeting that will be held tomorrow is to determine whether the DPRD will conduct an interpellation or not. Interpellation is regulated in DKI Jakarta DPRD Regulation Number 1 of 2020, specifically in Chapter VIII concerning the Implementation of the Rights of DPRD and Members of DKI DPRD.

Article 120 explains that the right of interpellation is the right of the DPRD to request information from the governor regarding regional government policies that are important and strategic and have a broad impact on the life of society and the state.

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