MALANG - Malang City Police have seized 2,820 bottles of illegal Balinese arak from two different places. The security is based on reports from residents who feel restless with the sale of alcohol in their area.

“The first disclosure was made on Monday, September 6, 2021, at 09.30 WIB. Spear III Sabhara Makota Police received information from the public regarding the existence of an expedition service that transports alcohol with 40% alcohol class in Malang City", said Malang City Police Chief AKBP Bhudi Hermanto, to reporters, Monday 27 September.

To ensure the residents' information, continued the Police Chief, the Spear III Sabhara Polresta Malang City Team went to the PT Restu Mulia expedition service office, which was located on Jalan Dr. Cipto Klojen.

"After coordinating with the expedition, then the Spear III Team examined several packages, especially those from Bali until finally they were found in one bus trunk, almost all of the packages contained 1,620 bottles of Balinese wine, each packaged in 600 ml", said Bhudi Hermanto.

From this case, two staff of PT Restu Mulya with the initials SR (31), a resident of the Sukun District, Malang City, and a staff member with the initials KH, a resident of Poncokusumo, Malang Regency, were arrested. Meanwhile, the disclosure of the second case occurred during the Yustisi night patrol operation, to be exact on Saturday, September 25, 2021.

"So, at around 23.00 WIB on Jalan Kaliurang, they found a suspicious Pick-Up P-8864-KA vehicle. After being searched, 50 boxes of illegal Balinese wine were found, each box containing 24 bottles of wine weighing 1.5 liters per bottle for a total of 1200 bottles of alcohol", he said.

Regarding this disclosure, two people consisting of a driver and assistant (IS) 31 years old and (MS) 44 years Jember residents were also detained for further investigation.

"We do not give mercy to people who commit violations that can trigger security disturbances, what's more, alcohol can cause people to commit crimes and damage the younger generation", said the Chief of Police.

"Both of them are suspected of violating the circulation of illegal alcohol without a license for the type of Balinese wine, and violating Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2006 concerning Alcohol", he concluded.

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