JAKARTA - The police are continuing to investigate the alleged involvement of other members of the National Police who were involved in the escape of the fugitive cessie case of Bank Bali, Djoko Tjandra. This is because, now a negative COVID-19 statement has appeared that was allegedly issued by a police doctor.

Head of Police Public Relations Division Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono agrees that the letter is true. Based on the initial examination, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo asked the police doctor to come and carry out Djoko Tjandra's rapid test.

"The doctor is called BJPU (Brig. Gen. Prasetyo Utomo, red). So there are two people in the room who the doctor does not recognize," said Argo at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Jakarta, Thursday, July 16.

According to him, currently Propam is still doing research regarding this corona free letter. So that it cannot be conveyed in detail. "The COVID-free certificate is indeed true, it is being examined by Propam," he said.

It's just that, he said, his party would not hesitate to impose a sentence if an error was made during an examination. "Crime will be given in accordance with existing legal facts," he said.

The case of the fugitive fugitive from the Attorney General's Office has caused a stir. Where Djoko can freely enter Indonesia without being detected.

Then, take care of the electronic KTP (e-KTP) quickly. He also got a pass which was signed by the police general. Currently, the general has been removed from his post. Most recently he was said to have received a corona-free certificate.

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