JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Education Office will implement a limited face-to-face learning scheme (TPM) for phase two early next week. In which, 1,509 schools will implement the scheme.

The implementation of this scheme is contained in the Decree (SK) of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office Number 984 of 2021 concerning the determination of educational units that carry out Limited PTM phase II during the PPKM period.

"Determining an educational unit that will implement the second phase of mixed PTM during the PPKM period," said Head of the DKI Education Agency, Nahdiana, in the decree, Sunday, September 26.

Those thousands of schools were the accumulation of stages one and two. Where, in the first phase, there were 610 schools. Meanwhile, in the second phase, there were 899 schools. In detail, 890 schools ranging from kindergarten to high school and vocational schools and 90 Madrasahs.

"The implementation of the Limited Limited PTM Phase II during the PPKM period starts on September 27 with periodic evaluations," he wrote.

On the other hand, the implementation of this scheme must also comply with existing rules. Especially the rules related to health protocols.

"Education units conduct face-to-face learning by implementing strict health protocols in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations," he said.

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