JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto did a healthy walk with PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or known as Cak Imin. The two of them were seen walking together at around 08.47 WIB in the SCBD area, Sudirman, Central Jakarta.

During the healthy walk, Airlangga was accompanied by Deputy General Chairman of Golkar, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita and General Treasurer of the Golkar Party Dito Ganinduto.

After exercising, the two then approached the media crew who were waiting for their arrival at the finish line. Suddenly, the media crew immediately asked a number of questions to the two regarding whether this sport was a political agenda.

To the media crew, Airlangga also explained that this healthy walk with Cak Imin had no political element. He said, this agenda is purely a sport.

"We are neighbors, so we usually go for a morning walk every Saturday and Sunday morning rather than together. There is no politics for running in the morning, there is sweat," he said when met during a morning walk in the SCBD area of Jakarta, Saturday, September 25th.

Dissatisfied with Airlangga's answer, the media crew again asked the question whether later from the morning walk a healthy coalition plan for general recovery (Election) in 2024 would be built.

"The healthy must be built," he said.

On the same occasion, Cak Imin admitted that he was happy to be able to exercise together with Airlangga Hartarto. According to him, a morning walk will make the body healthy because the body will sweat.

"It must be built that is healthy. Yes, I am very happy this morning with the Coordinating Minister, the Golkar chairman to see the atmosphere of Jakarta, the most important thing is this healthy walk, I am very happy and thank God the sweat comes out, God willing, everyone is healthy," he said.

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