BANYUWANGI - A man named Totok Suryanto died. He died after drinking alcohol followed by taking strong drugs during intercourse with his wife.

The incident occurred at a hotel in Jajag Village, Gambiran District, Banyuwangi, Friday, September 24.

Gambiran Police Chief, AKP Suryono Bhakti, said the victim had had an alcohol party at the night entertainment area in Rogojampi District, Banyuwangi.

After the agenda in Rogojampi, the victim then left for the Jajag area and stayed at a hotel with his wife.

"According to the testimony of the witness, when he was about to have intercourse with his wife, the victim had taken male strong drugs", said AKP Suryono.

Not long after, he said, the victim complained of pain in the chest area. While lying face down on the bed, the victim screamed in pain.

The wife beside him panicked and screamed hysterically for help. Then the hotel staff who heard immediately gave help and immediately took the victim to the nearest hospital.

"But on the way to the hospital the victim had already died", he said.

From the post-mortem results, the police found no indications of violence or abuse. It is suspected that the victim had a heart attack due to an overdose.

"After being given the news, the family has accepted it sincerely and refused to do an autopsy. The family asked for the body to be brought home and immediately buried", he said.

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