JAKARTA - Djoko Tjandra is acting up again. After entering Indonesia without being detected, now the big fugitives in the Bank Bali cessie case can freely leave Indonesia, because they have a road document signed by law enforcement officials.

DPR Commission III member Eva Yuliana urged enforcers to work harder to arrest Djoko Tjandra. He said, the National Police and the Attorney General's Office must work together in solving this case.

"I asked the Police and the AGO to work together so that I could arrest Djoko Tjandra as soon as possible. Immediately form a special team, because of this one person, our legal face will be tarnished, ”Eva said as quoted from dpr.go.id, Thursday, July 16.

He also encouraged Commission III to immediately hold a joint meeting between the AGO, the Police, and the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights in order to ensure that law enforcement agencies can work together.

"We from the NasDem faction will encourage the holding of a joint meeting of law enforcers, so that this case can be resolved immediately," said Eva.

As for Djoko Tjandra, it is suspected that he entered and left Indonesia without going through official channels. Because to this day, the Directorate General of Immigration said that there was no data on the crossing in the name of Djoko Tjandra or other aliases.

On this occasion, Eva also appreciated the police chief's swift move in handling the issue of travel papers issued by individuals at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"I appreciate and support the steps taken by the National Police Chief who moves quickly to investigate through the Police Propam Division the truth of the travel documents issued by the police general for Djoko Tjandra's trip," he said.

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