SURABAYA - A total of 213 public and private schools in the city of Surabaya have held limited face-to-face learning (PTM). The hundreds of schools consisted of 112 elementary schools (SD) and 101 junior high schools (SMP).

"This school may hold a limited PTM, after passing the assessment and having held a PTM simulation," said the Head of the Surabaya City Education Office, Supomo, in Surabaya, Friday, September 24, 2021.

Supomo explained that the PTM was limited to the junior high school level starting on September 6. A week later, PTM junior high school level increased. Furthermore, starting September 20, 2021, limited PTM will be carried out at the elementary level.

"The total number of elementary schools that have conducted PTM is limited starting Monday as many as 112 schools, both public and private. Meanwhile for the SMP level, there are 213 schools. This number continues to grow and is dynamic as the assessment is completed, because currently there are around 161 schools being assessed," he said.

Supomo ensured that the implementation of the PTM was carried out by implementing strict health protocols, and had to pass an assessment. Because he doesn't want the PTM to create a new cluster in the city of Surabaya.

Therefore, to anticipate things that are not desirable, Dinspendik assigns an independent school task force team along with the Principal to always monitor and observe anyone who enters and is in the school.

"If there are signs of being unwell, then the school is obliged to take measures and ask the person concerned not to be active at school. So, if he is a teacher, he can teach online from home, and if our students ask him to follow online from his home," he said. .

In addition, Supomo ensured that every school was asked to carry out daily evaluations, and the results of the evaluation were sent to the Surabaya Dispendik. In the evaluation report, all things must be reported about the condition of the school during the day, especially regarding the implementation of the program at school.

"Well, we convey the daily evaluation to the experts. Usually we meet with experts once a week to evaluate this PTM. Usually, these experts also come to schools to monitor directly. So they can follow the development of PTM and can be more precise in evaluate," he said.

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