JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, without a plan, suddenly came to SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran, Semarang Regency to see the implementation of face-to-face learning. And Ganjar found several fatal violations.

Mata Ganjar began to catch irregularities while crossing the Landmark route, Semarang Regency. He saw many children in school uniform riding motorbikes but not wearing masks.

Ganjar's goal was finally changed. He chose to stop at SMKN 1 Landmark. In front of the school, he saw many children gathered around eating snacks.

When he entered the school to check the implementation of the PTM, Ganjar again found a number of violations that irritated him.

There were at least three violations during the inspection. First, students sit together without wearing masks, teachers teach while removing masks, and there are practice students who don't keep their distance.

"That sir, have you seen the mistake. Come on now what do you want? Actually, are you ready or not to carry out PTM? If you are ready, yes, don't be like this. three and all of them don't wear masks," said Ganjar to the Principal of SMKN 1 Tengaran Haris Wahyudi as quoted from Antara.

Ganjar immediately asked the principal to immediately evaluate and hold a meeting with all teachers and all employees. If you are unable to carry out PTM with the application of health protocols, Ganjar asks for online learning to return.

"Don't let it happen like in Purbalingga. So, I ask now whether it's ready or not to carry out PTM? If it's ready, yes, it must be repaired. I ask today to gather all teachers, security guards, and all school staff. to me this afternoon," said Ganjar, Friday, September 24.

Ganjar also asked the school to form a COVID-19 Task Force which patrols every day to ensure that the health protocols run well from the time children enter school, the teaching and learning process, until they return home.

"If someone violates it, immediately reprimand it, check the name of the child. Give the first warning, if tomorrow violates again, he can't go to school. You have to be firm, sir. The teacher is like that, because I saw a teacher not wearing a mask too. This is not allowed happen again," he said.

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