JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD asked the Criminal Investigation Police to resolve the alleged violation in the issuance of a pass for the now fugitive Cessie Bank Bali case defendant, Djoko Tjandra, and the results were made public.

"I think nowadays we have to solve it openly, there is no way that people are smart," Mahfud said in a press conference held at his office, Jalan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 15.

Mahfud added, information from Indonesia Police Watch also needs to be followed up by the Police in accordance with existing regulations. "We'll just wait for the Police's action," he said.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presedium, Neta S Pane, said that the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit through the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau had issued a pass to Bunonan Djoko Tjandra. So, the high-class fugitive was free to travel from Jakarta to West Kalimantan and then disappeared again.

"From the data obtained by IPW, the Road Letter for Djoko Tjandra was issued by Bareskrim Polri through the PPNS Coordination and Supervision Bureau, with Number: SJ / 82 / VI / 2020 / Rokorwas, dated 18 June 2020," said Neta in an official broadcast to reporters, Jakarta. , Wednesday July 15th.

According to Neta, the letter was allegedly signed by the Head of the Coordination and Supervision Bureau of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo. In the travel document, Djoko Tjandra stated that he left for Pontianak, West Kalimantan on June 19 and returned on June 22.

For this incident, IPW urged Commission III of the DPR to form a special committee to investigate the allegation. Also, asking Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo to be removed from his position.

The head of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency, Komjen Sigit Listyo Sigit, said that his party would take firm action against any member involved behind the issuance of the pass. A special team will be formed to investigate the people involved.

"The pass should be followed by the National Police Propam Division and form a joint team to thoroughly investigate whoever is involved and if it is proven that I will take firm action against the individuals involved," Listyo said, Wednesday, July 15.

Firm action against the people involved is also a way to give strong warnings to other members. Because, it is very detrimental and defamatory the good name of the Police institution. "For members who cannot follow please resign from Bareskrim," he said.

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