This appointment was carried out through the Telegram Letter of the National Police Chief number ST/488/III/KEP./2025 dated March 12, 2025. Endar who occupies the position of Director of Investigation of the KPK was transferred to replace the position of Inspector General Nanang Avianto who was assigned as the East Java Police Chief.
"The task force will be prepared first (to occupy the position as Director of Investigation, ed)," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika when confirmed via text message, Friday, March 14.
In addition, the anti-corruption commission will open a selection process. However, Tessa has not specified the exact time.
"(The executor of the task will work, ed) while waiting for the selection process for the Director of Investigation of the KPK to be completed later," said a spokesman with the background of this investigator.
As for Endar, he also received a higher promotion. Still through the same telegram letter, the National Police Chief appointed two new Main Officials of the National Police Headquarters, namely Inspector General Anwar as Assistant for Human Resources and Inspector General Suwondo Nainggolan as Assistant for Logistics.
Anwar will replace the position of Komjen Dedi Prasety, who currently serves as Irwasum Polri. Meanwhile, Suwondo's position will be replaced by Brigadier General Anggoro Sukartono.
The National Police Chief then assigned Brigadier General Mardiyono to fill the position of Bengkulu Police Chief left by Inspector General Anwar. Anggoro and Mardiyono will later receive promotions at a higher level.
Berikutnya, mutasi juga dilakukan terhadap Kapolda Sulawesi Selatan Irjen Yudhiawan Wibisono. Ia diangkat sebagai Pati Bareskrim dalam rangka penugasan di Kementerian Kesehatan.
Finally, the National Police Chief also rotated the Riau Police Chief Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal as Pati Baharkam Polri in the context of being assigned to the DPD RI. His position was replaced by Inspector General Hery Herjawan who had previously carried out his duties at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).
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