JAKARTA - Warganet was shocked by the video of the robbery that circulated on social media. In the video, a woman wearing a hijab is seen being attacked by a man who wants to take her cellphone. Victims who tried to survive got slashed sharp weapons type machete. As a result, several parts of the victim's body suffered lacerations. After taking the cellphone, the perpetrator fled.

The South Jakarta Police, who received a report of the action, immediately began hunting for the perpetrators. With the CCTV footage and the victim's information, the officers finally caught the perpetrator.

Mustain, a 37-year-old man, was arrested by the South Jakarta Police Satreskrim in Bangkalan, Madura. Mustain admitted his actions, namely robbing Titing (44) with a sharp weapon on Jalan SD Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta some time ago.

To the police, Mustin admitted that he was desperate to take the action because he was in a lottery gambling debt.

"Confessed to committing the crime because of a debt to his friend," said the South Jakarta Police Chief, Kombes Azis Andriansyah to reporters, Thursday, September 23.

Azis Andriansyah said that Mustin admitted that he had often carried out robberies. Lastly, said Azis, the victim was named Titing in Cipulir.

Before acting alone, said Azis, the perpetrator had been on the loose looking for the victim. When he met Titing's victim, the perpetrator stabbed him because he was trying to fight and defend his valuables.

"At that time the victim (Titing) passed by, then the perpetrator came to ask for some valuables, one of which was a cellphone. But this victim did not want to give up the item so the perpetrator used force by force, injuring the victim with a machete which left the victim with a torn palm. elbows, and arms for parrying," he said.

After that, said Azis, Mustin ran away with Titing's cellphone. Meanwhile, Titing was rushed to the hospital for medical treatment.

"The perpetrator has lived in Cipulir for 2 years, he works as a coconut laborer, helping his parents sell coconuts on a daily basis. Although he has committed several crimes, this is the first time the perpetrator has been caught," he said.

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