JAKARTA - The Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko mentioned three institutions that are likely to be dissolved by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in order to cut the budget in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them is the Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG).

According to him, although it works well to restore peatlands, there are several functions of this agency that collide with other institutions, namely the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

"BRG is from the fire side, is it enough for BNPB to handle it. In terms of optimizing peat for agriculture, is it enough by the Ministry of Agriculture. That is what Kemenpan-RB is currently reviewing," Moeldoko told reporters at his office, Tuesday, July 14.

The next institution that might be dissolved is the National Elderly Commission (Komnas Elderly). "This has never been heard, right? Is it not in the main duties and functions of KPPPA (Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection)? If it is still within the ministry's scope, maybe it can be thought of," he said.

Then there is also the National Sports Accreditation and Standardization Body (BSANK). Based on their website, this agency was formed by the government in order to develop, monitor and report the achievement of national sports standards. Its establishment is based on Presidential Decree No.11 of 2014.

Moeldoko said the institutions that will be dissolved are institutions whose formation is carried out through Government Regulations (PP), Presidential Regulations (Perpres) and Presidential Decrees (Kepres). Meanwhile, for institutions established by law, their dissolution will be discussed first with the Indonesian Parliament.

Previously, in order to save budget, President Jokowi said he would dissolve 18 institutions even though he did not specify them clearly. Previously, this discourse was first mentioned by the former governor of DKI Jakarta during the cabinet plenary session on 18 June.

At that time, Jokowi was annoyed with his minister's mediocre performance in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the aftermath, in addition to threatening to reshuffle, he will dissolve institutions deemed not contributing too much.

The dissolution of this institution which was deemed not working optimally received support. A political observer from Al Azhar University Indonesia, Ujang Komarudin, Jokowi's move was seen as an attempt to fulfill the statement he made on June 18.

"(President Jokowi, red) may also want to prove his statement at the viral plenary cabinet meeting on June 18. Jokowi wants to reshuffle and dissolve the institution. It could be that the institution is dissolved," said Ujang when contacted by VOI.

Ujang appreciated when Jokowi actually dissolved state institutions that were not functioning and wasted the state budget. Especially in difficult times during a pandemic like this.

"The positive thing is if there is a state institution whose function is unclear, ineffective, inefficient, and costs state money and is then dissolved. Indeed, it must be dissolved if it does not have a function," he said.

"Why defend an institution that has no use and function," added the Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review.

In line with Ujang, Amanat Institute researcher Dirga Maulana also agreed with President Jokowi's move to dissolve 18 institutions to suppress budgets. "The goal is very clear so that the wheels of the organization can run very quickly and optimally," he said.

In addition, he assessed that the disbandment of state institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic like now could be the right momentum to evaluate their performance so far.

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