JAYAPURA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri stated that investigators from the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Papua Police have begun to ask for information from health workers regarding the Kiwirok case.

"Investigators have begun to ask for information from health workers who are in good health, while those who are still sick and being treated at the hospital are scheduled after being declared cured. There are five health workers who will be questioned, but there has been no report regarding the examination," said Inspector General Fakhiri in Jayapura, quoted by Antara. Between, Wednesday, September 22.

In addition to asking for information from the health worker, his party will also send members to Kiwirok to conduct crime scene investigations (TKP) of various cases that occurred in the area.

Currently the situation in Kiwirok is relatively conducive, but the apparatus remains on alert, considering that the armed criminal group (KKB) led by Lamek Taplo sometimes carries out armed disturbances.

The number of members of the TNI-Polri is quite large, around 75 people, said Fakhiri, while hoping that members will not be easily influenced by the various efforts made by the KKB because they will continue to lure the officers off guard.

"When we were careless, they attacked and fired at us," said Inspector General Fakhiri.

A gun battle between security forces and KKB in Kiwirok, Bintang Mountains Regency occurred Monday, September 13.

In addition to the shootout, KKB also attacked civilians, including health workers, killing one of the health workers, Gabriela Meilan and injuring four of her colleagues.

The four health workers who are still being treated at Marthen Indey Hospital are Dr. Restu Pamanggi, Katrianti Tandila, Emanuel Abi, and Kristina Sampe Tonapa.

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