JAKARTA - Thousands of illegal drugs were confiscated by the authorities from a cosmetic shop in Kedung Gede Village, RT 022/004, Kedungwaringin District, Bekasi Regency, West Java, Tuesday.

"Officers also arrested one 22-year-old suspect, Maulidin Bin Rasyid, during last night's raid," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kedungwaringin Police Sector Iptu Edward Danel in Cikarang, Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

Thousands of pills were confiscated by officers, including 1,180 hexymer pills, 1,035 tramadol HCL, and 87 trihexyphinidyl pills packaged in two plastic bottles.

In addition, officers secured other evidence in the form of cash worth Rp.220,000 which was suspected to be the proceeds of the sale of illegal drugs, 360 clear plastic clips of thumbprints, and a cell phone unit used by the perpetrators to distribute the drugs.

Edward said that the disclosure of this case began with information and reports from residents regarding the presence of the perpetrators who circulated illegal drugs under the guise of a cosmetic shop.

"There are reports that there are many teenagers and young people who are drunk on drugs there, so that residents claim to be restless," he said.

From the report, the officers conducted searches and observations so they decided to conduct raids at the crime scene witnessed by a number of local residents.

"The perpetrator is a resident with an ID card from the Aceh Province. The perpetrator had circumvented by not admitting to having sold illegal drugs," he said.

After being pressed, he said, the perpetrator admitted his actions and showed the location where the drugs were stored in the shop.

"Officers immediately secured the suspect along with all the evidence. We are still investigating where the suspect got the drug," he said.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was threatened with Article 197 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health and Article 83 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2014 concerning Health Workers.

"The suspect was charged with multiple articles for supplying, storing dangerous drugs and selling them to the public without a doctor's prescription," he said.

Edward appealed to residents who are aware of the circulation of illegal drugs in their area to report to the nearest police station in order to create a conducive security environment, as well as avoid criminal acts caused by the effects of these drugs.

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