DENPASAR - Bali Governor, Wayan Koster, requires schools that hold face-to-face learning (PTM) to coordinate with the COVID-19 Task Force.

This rule is contained in Circular Number B.31,420/76560/Dikpora, regarding the implementation of learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bali. In the circular, it is regulated that the learning system in Bali can be done with face-to-face learning (PTM) or online.

"In the Circular, it is stated that the PTM system must comply with conditions such as a limited number of students and strict implementation of health protocols. Education units that wish to implement the PTM system are required to coordinate with the local COVID-19 Task Force", said Koster, Tuesday, September 21.

"If there are indications that it is not safe, such as a positive confirmed case of COVID-19, and or the regional risk level changes to a higher level, the limited PTM system must be temporarily closed", he added.

The Governor of Bali said that every education unit was obliged to carry out by a joint decision of the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs Number 03/KB/2021, Number 384, the Year 2021, Number HK.01.08/MENKES/4242/2021, and Number 440-717, the Year 2021, regarding guidelines for the implementation of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, dated March 30, 2021.

"This circular is effective from the date of stipulation until further notice", said Koster.

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