JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission I, Fadli Zon, urged the Indonesian government to be more assertive towards China in order to maintain the exclusive economic zone.

This is after the repetition of Chinese warships pacing in the North Natuna Sea last week, causing fishermen to be afraid to go to sea.

"China's claim regarding the nine dash line considers that it is their territory, it is unacceptable. In my opinion, we should be even tougher with China to defend our exclusive economic zone in Natuna," Fadli told reporters, Tuesday, September 21.

The chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), reminded the government not to let China take advantage of Indonesia's EEZ because it is always tolerated.

"Don't let ships from China or even other countries take advantage of our exclusive economic zone," said Fadli.

According to him, it is important for the Indonesian government to prioritize diplomacy with China. He hopes that the issue of the South China Sea will also continue to be discussed with the Chinese government through trade diplomacy.

"We have relations with China in various aspects of trade, diplomacy in trade should be involved in the South China Sea, so as not to interfere with our sovereignty. On the other hand, we must also physically strengthen our territorial presence with the Navy," continued Fadli.

In addition, the Deputy of Gerindra also highlighted the lack of budget for defense equipment in Indonesia. In fact, he said, the procurement of defense equipment is important to maintain sovereignty and protect Indonesia's border areas with other countries.

"We must strengthen our defense equipment, because the principle must not be violated by our sovereignty," said Fadli.

"But we also know that our condition, our budget, our equipment is still lacking in terms of maintaining sovereignty, so we should strengthen it there," he continued.

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