BOGOR – Synthetic tobacco (cannabis) dealers have been arrested again by the Bogor Police Narcotics Unit and the West Java Police Directorate for Drugs. DJ, initials, was arrested in the West Jakarta area, precisely on Jalan Palmerah.

"We arrested him on Friday (17 September), from the hands of the perpetrators, officers confiscated evidence of raw materials or synthetic tobacco starters weighing 108 grams, synthetic tobacco weighing 2.7 kg, measuring cups, scales, compounding or production tools and others," said the bid for Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago to reporters at the Bogor Police Headquarters, Cibinong, Tuesday, September 21.

DJ's arrest is the development of other suspects who have been arrested beforehand.

Previously, seven perpetrators had been arrested, the police managed to secure evidence of 23 kg of raw materials or synthetic tobacco, 1 kg of synthetic marijuana, measuring cups, scales, liquid alcohol, packing tools and mixing or production equipment.

"From the hands of the DJ, raw materials or synthetic tobacco ingredients weighing 108 grams, synthetic tobacco weighing 2.7 kg," he added.

It was still explained by Kombes Erdoan, apart from synthetic tobacco and the source, other equipment suspected of being related to circulation was also secured. The evidence includes measuring cups, scales, compounding or production tools and others.

"This DJ is one of the dealers in the development of previous synthetic tobacco distribution cases, both in Bogor Regency, South Tangerang City, South Jakarta, Cianjur Regency, Bogor Regency and Bandung City," he said.

"For the actions of the perpetrators, the perpetrators were charged with Article 114 paragraph 2, 112 paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, the threat of life imprisonment and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion. Meanwhile, other suspects are also subject to Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. Only the articles imposed are different from those for synthetic tobacco manufacturers." he concluded.

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