JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Police is examining a child who has the heart to abuse his own biological mother in Mojo Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Solo, in Central Java. Kliwon Market AKP Achmad Riedwan Prevoost at the Pasar Kliwon Mapolsek Solo, Monday. The victim wants his son to be aware and can help his mother. His party then mediates by bringing together the victim Mr. with the perpetrator or his biological child. "We carry out restorative justice mediation as an alternative to resolving cases with kinship," said the police chief as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 21. The mediation brought together the victim and the perpetrator to apologize for the wrongdoing to the victim, who is her own mother. It also asked the perpetrators to make a statement so that they would not repeat their actions. "In this case, we respect the request of the victim who wants her child not to be prosecuted for being detained because of the abuse case. If the perpetrator is still repeating his actions, he will be processed through legal channels according to the applicable regulations," said the police chief.

His party is flexible by prioritizing mediation for legal settlement in a family manner, bringing together victims and perpetrators because they are still one family. The police chief said the chronology of cases of child abuse against his own biological mother began with the perpetrator asking for Rp. on Sunday, September 19, evening. However, the victim did not give money to the perpetrator because he did not have money. The perpetrator then became angry and abused his biological mother by hitting her forehead twice. After receiving a report, the police immediately arrested the perpetrator and were taken to the Pasar Kliwon Police Headquarters of the Surakarta Police, on Sunday, September 19 evening, for an investigation under article 352 of the Criminal Code, concerning Acts Criminal Cases of Persecution. "We then brought together the child (perpetrator) with his biological mother (victim) for mediation to be resolved amicably. The perpetrator then apologized to his biological mother and prostrated to have his mistakes forgiven in the presence of officers," he said. days working as a laborer said Mhj the third of four siblings. They are not taken care of by their father because they have been gone for several years. He withdrew the complaint against his son's case in the police, for molesting him. "I withdraw the complaint to the police so that his son is not arrested.

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