DENPASAR - The news of the arrest of the RR celebrity who has a famous name Pony in the Mango Live application caused a stir. The celebrity RR was arrested in a luxury apartment in Denpasar, Bali, and then charged with the Pornography Law.
"The perpetrators displayed their genitals or were completely naked, even openly live on Mango's social media," said Denpasar Police Chief, Kombes Jansen Avitus Pandjaitan, reported as a contributor to VOI Bali, Monday, September 20.
In the Mango Live application, the RR celebrity has the famous name Pony. She is a widow with one child from Cianjur, West Java.
"The perpetrator admits that he has an account or ID on Mango and Bigo social media to seek income or profit every day.
Approximately 9 months the perpetrators did live work on social media. Where the profits obtained once live can reach Rp. 25 million to Rp. 50 million every month," added Jansen.

In a week, the RR program usually broadcasts live 4 times with a duration of 30 minutes to an hour. The RR celebrity admits that she needs money for her daily life.
From her confession, the RR celebrity previously worked as a songwriter/ladies companion (LC) at a karaoke place in Bali. However, due to the pandemic impacting the entertainment industry, the RR celebrity switched to Mango Live.
"So far he has been working as an LC. At the time of COVID-19 this place of entertainment or karaoke place was empty of visitors," said Kombes Jansen.

There were a lot of people last weekend about the RR Pony open BO program, the fact?
Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Jansen Avitus Pandjaitan explained that the female celebrity with the initials RR (32) aka Pony or Bintang Live has never opened booking out/booking online (BO) from the audience.
"Perpetrators do not accept BO outside, although many ask when perpetrators live on Mango and Bigo social media. Where perpetrators only perform live pornography by showing their genitals on social media," said Kombes Jansen at the Denpasar Police Headquarters, Bali, Monday, September 20. .
"The perpetrator did not accept booking orders. So when he was live, many asked for booking orders but were rejected. So, he only did live pornography. If it was BO, he didn't want to," added Kombes Jansen.
The RR celebrity did not serve Open BO because the benefits of live naked in the Mango Live application were very large.
"The reason is because Rp. 25 and Rp. 50 million are enough," said Kombes Jansen.
Selebram RR is known to have been in Bali for 4 years. Initially, this woman from Cianjur, West Java worked as a ladies companion (LC) aka a song guide at a karaoke place. Because the entertainment business has been hit by a pandemic, the RR program has changed jobs so that they can live naked through Mango Live.

"His admission is that he has been doing this for approximately 9 months. Per month the profit is Rp. 25 to Rp. 50 million," said Kombes Jansen.
"So from ID Mango when he did the live he got a kind of Mango diamond from a number of people who entered (in the application). He, got money and up to Rp. 50 million a month," said Jansen.
Selebgram RR was charged with Article 4 paragraph (1) of Law No. 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography and or Article 45 paragraph (1) of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE).
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