JAKARTA - The investigation into the alleged abuse involving Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte is already at the investigation stage. So far, the Police have examined 12 witnesses.

"There are a total of 12 witnesses examined so far. Apart from the victims, yes," said the Director of General Crimes at the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi when contacted, Monday, September 20.

Dozens of witnesses who have been examined are divided into several clusters. Among them are prisoners and guards at the Bareskrim detention center.

"Then there were witnesses who were actually in there who followed before the smearing of dirt occurred," said Andi.

"There was a witness who was ordered to take the dirt that NB had prepared in his room," he continued.

On the other hand, Andi said that investigators had scheduled an examination of Napoleon Bonaparte. It is planned that the examination will take place on Tuesday, September 21.

"Tomorrow we schedule it," said Andi.

Muhammad Kece reported that he had been a victim of persecution. The report is registered with the number LP: 0510/VIII/2021/Bareskrim, dated August 26, 2021.

After being investigated, it turned out that the perpetrator of the alleged abuse case was Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. Not only beating, Napoleon was also known to smear human feces on M. Kece's face.

Currently, the case is in the investigation stage. Several witnesses, ranging from officers from the detention center and inmates, have been questioned.

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