JAKARTA - South Korea is targeting to start producing submarine-based ballistic missiles (SLBM) starting next year, after going through a series of additional tests, to then enter military service with the Navy.

South Korea has twice announced successful test launches of SLBMs in the past two weeks, from the 3,000-ton ROKS Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SS-083) submarine launched last month.

"A few more tests will be carried out to ensure its reliability. After completing development at the beginning of next year, we will start mass production in the first half of 2022. The missile is likely to be deployed for actual operation from the second half," the government source said, citing the Korea Times Monday. 20 September.

Being the country's first 3,000 tonne submarine, ROKS Dosan Ahn Chang-ho (SS-083) is equipped with six vertical launch tubes, and was accepted into the Navy last month.

Another government source said the military was working to deploy a total of 78 SLBMs on nine such submarines, including the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, in stages according to the country's defense procurement plans.

South Korea is working on a project to build two 3,000-ton submarines by 2023, planning an additional six larger vessels with up to 10 launch tubes each, according to officials.

Last year, the defense ministry unveiled plans to develop a 4,000-ton next-generation submarine, to enhance the underwater combat capabilities of its military fleet.

The SLBM, believed to be a variant of the country's Hyunmoo-2B ballistic missile, has a maximum range of 800 kilometers. During last week's underwater test launch, the missile reportedly flew about 400 kilometers before hitting its target.

South Korea is the only country without a nuclear power, capable of producing and possessing SLBMs, after the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and India.

In accordance with its status, South Korean SLBMs will only be equipped with conventional warheads, in contrast to the SLBMs of the other six countries which are equipped with nuclear warheads.

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