JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health has set a maximum tariff for the COVID-19 rapid test examination at a maximum of IDR 150 thousand. However, in reality, there are still hospitals that provide rates above this threshold.

"The public will still be able to find that some hospitals still have to use their old rates for rapid test checks," said Secretary General of the Association of Indonesian Hospitals (PERSI) Lia Partakusuma during a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta, Monday, July 13.

The reason, said Lia, was that the announcement of the policy on the highest limit for rapid antigen examination was considered sudden. Meanwhile, many hospitals have already purchased reagents or rapid test equipment from distributors who set high rates.

Lia said, a number of hospitals had indeed bought reagents in large quantities since the beginning of COVID-19 entering Indonesia at high prices. Because, at that time, the choice to find a distributor for selling reagents was still limited, while many people needed a rapid test.

"When COVID-19 first arrived, we didn't have many choices. Those who offered this examination tool were very limited, while the demand was so much. So, that's why maybe the price was not controlled," explained Lia.

"Right now, many hospitals have already bought (reagents). This is the reason why there are hospitals that have not been able to impose the set rates," he continued.

In fact, PERSI has tried to ask the hospital to immediately comply with the rules. However, said Lia, they asked for a transition time to find a supply of rapid test reagents that sell at low prices.

"This is indeed a big homework. Because, we are surprised that suddenly a regulation has been issued, while this hospital is not ready yet. But, whatever it is, we warmly welcome that there must be a standard. what's out of control, "he said.

Previously reported, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) issued regulations regarding the highest limit for independent rapid test antibody examinations. This rule must be a benchmark in carrying out a rapid test.

The regulation is set forth in a circular number HK.02.02 / I / 2875/2020. This circular letter states the price or highest tariff for an antibody rapid test of IDR 150,000.

Director General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, Bambang Wibowo, said that this rule was made because rapid test prices varied, and made the public confused. With this rule, society will not be confused and can prevent certain individuals from seeking profit.

"The varying prices for conducting a rapid test cause confusion in the community. For this reason, the government's participation in the antibody rapid test is needed so that people do not feel used for profit," said Bambang.

The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy emphasized that there would be sanctions for hospitals or health facilities that set a rapid test price above IDR 150 thousand.

"The sanctions vary. There is a stern warning sanction. Then maybe stricter action can be taken that will be regulated later," said Muhadjir.

Meanwhile, when asked further about the sanctions, he said this was the authority of the security apparatus. "There is an authority outside the Ministry of Health. I think there will be the apparatus itself to enforce the existing rules," he said.

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