GIANYAR- The results of the examination of the death of hundreds of sparrows in Pering Village, Blabatuh District, Gianyar Regency, Bali, show suspicions about natural phenomena. Lab tests were carried out by the Class I Veterinary Center (BBVet) Denpasar, Bali.

Head of Animal Health Division, Agriculture and Livestock Service Office of Gianyar Regency, Bali, Made Santiarka said the results of the lab test for the death of hundreds of sparrows came out Thursday, September 16 evening.

"The results we received from the Denpasar BBVet examination. The death of the sparrow on September 9, 2021, did not lead to an infectious disease. It means that its death was not caused by microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi", said Santiarka, when contacted, Friday, September 17.

The death of the sparrow colony was caused by several things. First, the initial assumption was due to a natural phenomenon, because at that time it was raining heavily and it was possible that the bird had inhaled toxic gas or lacked oxygen O2.

"The death was due to a natural (phenomenon) at that time, because it was raining heavily so the birds there might have inhaled gas. Second, also due to lack of oxygen and the third could be because they have eaten poisonous food, it is estimated", said Santiarka.

"When it rains heavily, it is possible that there is a poisonous gas that falls. So, it is inhaled. There is also the possibility of causing such a death", said Santiarka.

From the results of the examination, the sparrows that died were negative for bird flu. Therefore, it is suspected that the death of the sparrows was caused by natural phenomena.

"In essence, his death did not lead to an infectious disease. The death coincided with heavy rains, due to natural phenomena", said Santiarka.

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