MEDAN - The smuggling of methamphetamine-type drugs was thwarted by the PRC Team of the Sabhara Unit of the Padangsidimpuan Police, North Sumatra. The police arrested a woman with the initials AB (31) and another courier with the initials BR (25).

Padangsidimpuan Police Chief AKBP, Juliani Prihartini, through the Head of Sabhara, AKP Rudi Siregar, said the two were secured at one of the travel counters.

"The two of them were detained when they were about to pick up a package suspected of containing methamphetamine at one of the taxi counters (intercity transportation) on Imam Bonjol Street, Padang Matinggi Village, South PSP District", said AKP Rudi Siregar in a written statement, Friday, September 17.

To trick the officers, the methamphetamine package was hidden in a box of instant noodles. The police, who had conducted an investigation and learned of drug smuggling, immediately arrested AB and BR.

"When opened, the instant noodle box contained a transparent plastic clip, allegedly containing 5.45 grams of methamphetamine. The methamphetamine was sent by someone from Madina Regency to Padangsidimpuan City via a delivery service", said AKP Rudi.

During the interrogation, AB admitted that he was forced to become a methamphetamine courier to make ends meet. AB is a widow with three children whose husband divorced.

AB was tempted by the wages of doing the work. Therefore, she has been a meth courier more than once.

"The two suspected perpetrators were handed over to the Narcotics Investigation Unit for development by looking for the dealer or the owner of the illicit goods", said AKP Rudi Siregar.

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