JAKARTA - Various efforts have been made by the Japanese police. But the thick fog still covers the case of the death of Junko Kobayashi, a Sophia University student who was found dead in his own home.
Junko Kobayashi was murdered at his home in Tokyo on September 9, 1996. Let alone the arrest, the traces of the perpetrators seem to have been swallowed up by the earth.
In fact, the police have examined more than 75,000 witnesses and examined more than 1,000 clues. But the police have not been able to determine the suspect in this murder.
What are the police findings in the case of Junko Kobayashi's death? These data are made available to the public by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
1. Junko's address is Shibamata 3-chome, Katsushika-Ku. The killings occurred in the range of 15.50 (when the victim's mother came out) to 16.39 (when the fire department received a fire report).
2. The air in Tokyo at that time was quite cold. It has been raining since morning.
3. Junko Kobayashi is a final year student majoring in English from Sophia University. When he was killed, Junko was 21 years old. Two days after the murder case, Junko should be on his way to the United States.
4. The police found stab wounds in six different places on Junko's neck. Most are on the right. From the autopsy results, Junko was allegedly killed by a small knife 3 cm wide and 8 cm long, similar to a fruit knife.

5. Junko's mouth and hands are bound by tape. Police found this tape was produced in a factory in Shizuoka prefecture after January 1994. The adhesive is 50 mm wide and 25 meters long.
6. The police found pieces of plants, pieces of wood, dog hair, and several other objects attached to the adhesive surface of the rubber tape.
7. The police suspect that the killer was injured during the incident because blood group A was found.
8. The police managed to map the incident with a 3D system on that fateful day.
9. A suspicious figure. A suspicious man was standing about 15 meters from a house. The man was thin with a height of about 150-160 centimeters. Her small body seemed to be drowned by the large yellow raincoat she was wearing. There was a black umbrella at the ready as it was a rather cold autumn day.
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