JAKARTA - Mehbob, the head of MS's legal team, assessed that the peace efforts facilitated by Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) employees clearly hindered victims from getting legal justice.
The reason, said Mehbob, is that the investigations conducted by KPI seem random. This is because KPI does not involve external parties or experts whose independence has been proven.
"This reduces the level of objectivity of the investigation results. If the KPI is reluctant to side with the victim, we just want the KPI to be neutral and implement its words that support law enforcement", Mehbob told VOI, Friday, September 17.
Mehbob said the investigation conducted by KPI was only like a conversation that did not explain how the investigation into the tragedy of sexual harassment and bullying could occur. And, Mehbob still says, how did the incident start, why did superiors ignore the victim's report, who was involved, who played a role, what were the conclusions, and what were the recommendations.
"MS when summoned by KPI was only asked to vent, his confession was not dug deeper and traced. So the internal investigations conducted by KPI did not meet the standards or principles of a proper investigation", said Mehbob.
Mehbob assessed that if KPI really did an internal investigation, why were the results not made public. Even though this case has gone viral and has become public consumption. Even the course of MS cases is under public scrutiny.
"Why is KPI silent and seems to be keeping it secret? Moreover, the process of offering a peace letter from the five reported parties to the MS reporter is impossible if the KPI Commissioner does not know because the forced peace signature experienced by MS was carried out in one of the rooms in the KPI building and facilitated by KPI employees", he said.
As is known, the Metro Jaya Police Division of Profession and Security (Propam) has invited MS who was accompanied by a team of attorneys to provide information regarding MS's complaint to the Gambir Police in 2019 and 2020 on Wednesday, September 15, yesterday.
"We hope that the police will soon be able to uncover crimes of sexual harassment and bullying at KPI for the sake of upholding law and justice", he said.
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