SERANG - Serang City Police are still investigating the alleged burglary of money in an automated teller machine (ATM) belonging to Bank BRI in a minimarket in the Kaligandu sub-district, Serang sub-district. More than 300 million rupiah has disappeared.

Serang Police Chief Kompol Bambang Wibisono said the case was first discovered by a minimarket employee who was opening a shop who was surprised by the condition of the state-owned bank's ATM machine being open. There's no money either.

"Initially it was noticed by the shopkeepers who opened the shop. They were surprised that the ATM machine had been burglarized and reported it to the police," said Commissioner Bambang Wibisono, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 16.

The police's preliminary analysis, he said, was that the thief was suspected of climbing onto the roof of the minimarket using a ladder, then breaking into the internet. The police have conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP) and examined various witnesses.

"This case is then handled by the Satreskrim Polres Serang City. Police steps have been taken at the scene of the case," said Bambang.

According to Bambang, the alleged theft was discovered by minimarket workers at around 06.30 WIB. Then Serang Police personnel came to the scene.

Police officers conducted a crime scene investigation and found some evidence, such as a roof with holes because it was broken down with a welder, then broken internit, and a 3 kg LPG gas cylinder left at the scene.

"The roof of the minimarket was perforated as in welding, the internit was broken, ATM machines such as used in welding, white oxygen cylinders and 3 kg LPG gas cylinders were at the scene," he said.

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