JAKARTA - The Tamansari Metro Police raided a number of liquor stores in the Kota Tua area, Tamansari District, West Jakarta. The alcohol operation followed the implementation of Crowd Free Night (CFN) during PPKM Level 3 in the Kota Tua area, Jalan Kunir, Pinangsia, Tamansari, West Jakarta.

"We have secured 106 bottles of illegal alcohol of various brands from two shops in the Kota Tua area to anticipate traffic disturbances when CFN is implemented," said Metro Tamansari Police Chief, AKBP Iver Son Manossoh when contacted by VOI, Thursday, September 16.

According to the police chief, the two shops that were raided often cause unrest in the community due to alcohol consumption.

"Allegedly as a source of liquor consumed by a group of youths when hanging out in the Kota Tua area, Tamansari, West Jakarta," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the implementation of Crowd Free Night, his party will disperse residents if they are still found crowding the tourist area of Kota Tua.

"For those who congregate in public places, we will disperse. If the sanctions are in cafes and restaurants, of course we will coordinate with the Satpol PP," he said.

As is known, the Tamansari Police has started to implement a crowd free night (CFN) system to anticipate crowds. Iver said that CFN activities began to be implemented in the Old City area from 00.00 to 04.00 WIB.

"We know that the Kota Tua area is one of the objects of tourism destinations in West Jakarta. For this reason, CFN is applied to anticipate mass crowds in this place," he said.

In addition to implementing CFN, the Sector Police Chief will also install posts and patrol cars at a number of crowd-prone points in West Jakarta.

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